Books Shauna Coates Books Shauna Coates

The Beauty in Balance Reviews: Wild Woman

Philippa Forrester's semi-autobiographical novel, Wild Woman, explores the profound feminine connection with nature, challenging the stereotype that only men thrive in the wilderness. Through personal anecdotes and historical stories, Forrester highlights the remarkable contributions of women in nature conservation.

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Books Shauna Coates Books Shauna Coates

5 wellbeing benefits of reading

Reading can contribute to a happier, healthier you! Whether you're a seasoned bookworm or a newbie to the literary scene, here are 5 reasons reading offers a wellbeing boost like no other!

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Books Shauna Coates Books Shauna Coates

Thrifty lessons from the queen of budgeting

Discover practical money-saving tips in 'Thrift Your Life' by Heidi Ondrak. Learn to curb impulse buying, prioritise second-hand, and manage finances effectively. Embrace thriftiness for a healthier purse and planet!

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